Outstanding repairs at Red Lion Square, Stamford - Find a freedom of information request


Please would you let me know which of these (a) has been attended to, (b) which are still awaiting attention and (c) when the repairs will be carried out:

This is for the roads listed in Stamford



What is depicted on Fix My Streets, the number of works on the link provided remains constant and will change on a weekly basis as and when our partner contractor can provide a repair team to site to address each issue in turn.

Please note that each works request is placed in a repair que system of 22 Hours (Emergencies) 6 Day - 25 Day and 80 Days repair cycles, this is also subject to priority works which appear at all times of the day, due to our reactive status and influence that list.

Therefore, I am unable to ascertain when each works will be completed without going through each job individually, which will be an incredible waste of resource and take longer than the 18hours allotted for an FOI request.

However, the works are in a list, and they will be ticked off metaphorically speaking, as and when they are repaired.

Fix My Streets will then update based on that successful repair or other courses of action.

I would ask that if you feel a particular works is not being addressed in one of the above times frames, then please contact us and we can look at this for you.


Reference number
FOI 3495081
Date request received
Date of decision