Maps Outlining the Water That Flows Through Lincoln - Find a freedom of information request


1. I am requesting a copy of any maps outlining the water that flows through Lincoln.

2. Also I want to know what information you have regarding why sites are chosen for building. Will you deny in writing that the sites are not chosen because of hydro power. Electricity from water.


1. Lincolnshire County Council doesn't hold any specific mapping of water flowing in Lincoln. The Council relies on that which is commercially available from the Ordnance Survey.

2. Applications for all developments including buildings are assessed against planning policies in the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan. Relevant policies for factors that are taken into consideration are set out in the Plan and would direct you to review the Local Plan policies and you can see what policies are in place for renewable energy.

Reference number
Date request received
23 February 2022
Date of decision
11 March 2022