Disabled persons bus pass - Find a freedom of information request


My FOI relates to bus passes.

1.How much does the disabled persons bus pass cost LCC?
2.How many total active disabled  persons bus passes are currently used?
3.How many active older persons bus passes are currently issued?
4.How many active total bus passes are currently used?
5.How many journeys are made using a disabled persons bus pass?
6.How are your costs for the bus passes calculated ? Do the bus company ask for a specific reimbursement for every   concessionary journey?
7.How much does the older persons bus pass cost?
8.If you don't have specific costs could you provide how much is budgeted?


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

Note: Due to a recent change in software supplier, our data for 2021/22 is currently being migrated- as such we are unable to provide the information exactly as requested in questions 1, 2, 3, 4 & 7. We will have access to this in the near future, however, to answer the questions as best as possible, we have used data for the period January 21- December 21.

1. The basic cost to produce and post a pass using second class postage is £1.62 The amount of reimbursement to bus operators for accepting Disabled Persons bus pass was £1,721,590.80 for Jan – Dec 21

2. We have 6747 Disabled person custom records with live cards.

3. We have 99,859 Older person custom records with live cards.

4. We have 106,606 custom records with live cards.

5. During period between January 2021 – December 2021 there were 296,826 journeys made by disabled pass holders.

6. The Council participates in the English National Concessionary Travel Scheme (ENCTS). We follow the Guidance issued by the Department for Transport Concessionary travel for older and disabled people: guidance on reimbursing bus operators (England) (publishing.service.gov.uk) which is updated annually between October and November.

7. The basic cost to produce and post a pass using second class postage is £1.62 The reimbursement cost for older persons bus pass was £4,428,015.80

8. Lincolnshire County Council Concessionary Travel scheme budget for last financial year was £6,616,556. The Government funds this reimbursement as part of the main Revenue Support Grant for local authorities. 

Reference number
FOI 3846593
Date request received
Date of decision