Early Help Assessment Form - Find a freedom of information request


1.Please provide a copy of your Early Help Assessment Form.

2.What percentage of completed Early Help Assessment Forms are completed by partners?

3.How many Early Help Assessments were completed during 2021?

4.What are the key objectives/priorities of your Early Help Offer?

5.How do you define success for your Early Help Offer?

6.How many children in your area are open to an Early Help Assessment?

7.How many children attended your Holiday Activities Fund programme of activities during Summer 2021?

8.How many Early Help cases were 'stepped up' to Social Care during 2021?

9.How many cases were 'stepped down' to Early Help from Social Care during 2021?

10.What percentage of families who engage with Early Help support complete the full package of support offered to a successful conclusion?

11.Which services are included in your Early Help Offer?

12.What percentage of the Children's Services budget is spent on Early Help?

13.Please could you also advise how many children are resident in your area. And how many are. LAC CiN CP 


Response: I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. Our EHA and Early Help Strategy are attached



4. See EH Strategy

5. See EH Strategy

6. Open TACs = 2693

7. The simple answer is 2492, however this includes paid for children (332) and children funded from other sources (19) who accessed provision at HAF clubs (as in they attended a holiday club with HAF provision however their place was not paid for through HAF funding).

If we are talking only about HAF-funded children, then the number is 2141.



10. 68% of TACs closed due to all needs met or needs reduced to single agency support

11. In Lincolnshire, we recognise that Early Help is any positive action being taken at the earliest opportunity when an issue arises to prevent its escalation. In terms of our workforce specifically, we have early help teams that sit across the geography of Lincolnshire and some with a more specialist focus around early years and teenagers including youth offending and our 0-19 health service.

12. Roughly it equates to 18.5% of our Council funded budgets.

13. We have a population of approximately 783,083, which is projected to grow by 94,000 by 2043 and the number of children aged 0 to 19 has grown by 3.9% in the last 10 years.

There are just over 142,950 children and young people aged between 0 and 19 living in Lincolnshire And how many are:

LAC - 740

CiN - 1,372 (*number of children with CIN plan - does not include cases identified as open for assessment or where closure is in process, if including those children, the figure is 3,021)

CP - 395

Reference number
FOI 3933041
Date request received
Date of decision