Financial Assessment service - Find a freedom of information request


Please provide the following information under the Freedom of Information Act In Adults social care can you give me a cost of the financial assessment service in for the year 2021/2022 broken down as below;

1.Please advise how many staff are employed by LCC or commissioned services for this work?

2.Or the total cost of commissioning this part if carried out by external services?

3.What is the cost of running such a team ( counting office rent, IT, Furniture, software licensing and postage, including debt collection and court costs .exuding salary and pensions.

4.What is the salary element including pensions and other benefits for this team for the year?

5.Total financial assessments carried out over the year?

6.Total recovered last financial year?

7.Total not recovered last financial year?

8.Number of people who were sent debt letters last financial year?

9.Total sums recovered through debt?

10.Total number of people legal action taken against last year? And money or assets recovered?


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. The service is outsourced to Serco

2. The financial assessment service is part of a finance/HR package.

3- 4 The financial assessment service is part of a Finance/HR service which is part of a wider package outsourced to Serco and for which individual cost cannot be identified. The contract is outcome based.

5. The Financial Assessments completed are between 7,000-9,000 

6-7. Total recovered last financial year for Adult Care and across Residential and Non-Residential Services was £46,096,296 The total not recovered in last financial year was £541,247

8. 20148

9. The total sum recovered £118,438,026,69

10. 63 – the total assets recovered £174,056.17 

Reference number
FOI 4047153
Date request received
Date of decision