Fire and Rescue Fleet management System - Find a freedom of information request


Please note that all questions are regarding the Fire and Rescue service only

1. Is Miquest software currently used in your organisation?

2. What fleet management system do you use?

2.1 What is the annual cost of this system?

2.2 Who is responsible for the procurement of such systems?

3. Do you have a system that manages your equipment maintenance and tracks the asset location on-board your vehicles?

3.1 What is the annual cost of this system?

3.2 Who is responsible for the procurement of this system?

3.3 What is the name of the system?

4. Do you have a system that manages and tracks your PPE?

4.1 Is your PPE personal issue or pooled issue?

4.2 Who is responsible for this?

5. Do you have a system that manages your hydrants upkeep and location?

5.1 Is your current hydrant system still supported?

6. What system do you use for stock control (stock issuing)

6.1 Who is responsible for this?

7. What are your plans to improve asset management

Reference number
FOI 4303125
Date request received
Date of decision