The A15 NMU bridge at Bloxholm Lane - Find a freedom of information request


This request relates to the barriers on the ramp to the A15 NMU bridge at Bloxholm Lane (53.18754, -0.51824).

1. The Road Safety Audit extract that relates to the issue of "risk due to poor visibility that a cyclist could gain speed down the ramp and enter Bloxholm Lane without being aware of farm vehicles or car entering Bloxholme Lane from the adjacent farm track due to poor visibility"

2. The adopted policy and/or guidance used to work out the required visibility splays, speed of cyclists and appropriate SSDs which lead to the mitigation measure of a gate and later barriers. - please attach or link to the policy/guidance(s) and specify where it is in the policy/guidance(s)

3. Visibility splays drawing of the farm access which show that visibility could not achieved as per documents in previous part.

4. The alternative mitigation options assessed and the reasons they were discounted (i.e. signage, bollards, humps etc)


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. Please see attached

2. Gates/Fence erected in response to LRSP Road Safety Audit. Local Transport Note 2/08 is the guidance document otherwise used.

3. This drawing does not exist, as above.

4. Bollards can be a hazard for groups of cyclists (the ones at the front see it, the ones behind don't, also, not always immediately visible away from street lights).

The bollards at the top of the ramp are recognised, but this location does not have the same implications as the location at the foot of the ramp.

Signage and/or marking were deemed not to have the desired positive effect. Speed bumps can be a hazard for horses so were ruled out.

Should you require the attachment mentioned above please contact with the below reference number and this can be provided

Reference number
FOI 4508869
Date request received
Date of decision