Lincolnshire County Council Autism Strategy - Find a freedom of information request


1. Do you have an Autism Strategy? If so, please share a link to your Autism Strategy.

2. When was your Autism Strategy last updated?

3. Does your area have a designated strategic lead for adults with autism e.g. an Autism Lead Role? (Please distinguish from operational lead)

4. If yes, what is the name of your autism lead?

5. If yes, what is the job title of your autism lead?

6. If yes, what is the email address of your autism lead?

7. Do you have a local Autism Programme Board or equivalent in place which meets at least once a year and includes representatives of at least Adult Social Care and the Clinical Commissioning Group(s)?

8. If yes, what is the email address for your Autism Programme Board or equivalent?

9. When did your local Autism Programme Board or equivalent last meet?

10. How have you and your partners engaged people with autism and their families and carers in planning your Autism Strategy?


1. All-age autism strategy

2. Last strategy was launched 2019-2022. Currently in refresh for new strategy to be relaunched end of March 2023.

3. Yes, temporary post to run until September 2023 (also have Senior Responsible Officer who is separate to this role).

4. Emma-Kay Dominey-Hill.

5. Autism Programme Lead for Lincolnshire Integrated Care System (ICS).


7. Yes.


9. 15 June 2022.

10. Public engagement sessions in Autumn 2021, use of regional autism workstream emerging themes documents, public engagement in autism pathway mapping, local complaints/compliments, intelligence (soft and hard data) gathered from system partners and their respective engagement forums. Strategy refresh will be written by Autism
Partnership Board, task and finish sub group (co-produced).

Reference number
Date request received
1 July 2022
Date of decision
14 July 2022