The Council Tax Rebate - Find a freedom of information request


Dear FOI Team: I am sending this request under the Freedom of Information Act to ask for the following information:

1. How many households in your Local Authority area are eligible for the £150 council tax rebate announced by DLUHC in March 2022?

For the avoidance of doubt, I am referring to households eligible for the scheme as per the following link:

a. Of these households, how many pay council tax by Direct Debit, and how many by other means? (e.g. cash / phone / cheque payments).

b. For households eligible for the £150 council tax rebate that pay for council tax by Direct Debit, how many have now received their £150 payment by July 1st 2022 and how was their payment processed? (i.e. transfer via BACS, postal cheque etc.).

c. For households eligible for the £150 council tax rebate that do not pay for council tax by Direct Debit, how many have received their £150 payment by July 1st 2022 and how was their payment processed? (i.e. transfer via BACS, postal cheque etc.).

2. Is your council one of the 152 authorities responsible for distributing the Household Support Fund? And if so, could you please tell me how many applications has your Local Authority received for Household Support Fund Payments between October 6th 2021 to July 1st 2022?

Please can you provide this information on a month-by-month basis?

For the avoidance of doubt, I am referring to households eligible for the scheme as per the following link:

a. Of the applications made for the Household Support Fund payments between October 6th 2021 to July 1st 2022, what percentage of applications have been successful?

b. For households that have received the Household Support Fund payments between October 6th 2021 to July 1st 2022, how was their payment processed? (i.e. transfer via BACS, postal cheque etc.)

c. A breakdown of number of awards made by type of household (i.e. with children, pensioners)

d. A breakdown of number of awards made by purpose (i.e. energy and water, food, housing costs, other essentials)

e. What steps has your Local Authority undertaken to ensure that Household Support Fund payments are being used for their defined purposes?


I can confirm that some of the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. Lincolnshire County Council does not hold this information.

The information you have requested may be held by district councils, so please can you contact them directly.

Their contact details are found below:

2. Please see the attached spreadsheet. 

Should you require the attachment mentioned above please contact with the below reference number and this can be provided.

Reference number
FOI 4486009
Date request received
Date of decision