Implementation of Microsoft OneDrive - Find a freedom of information request


Please may you provide me with:

1. A copy of any project plans associated with the implementation of Microsoft OneDrive in your organisation.

2. A copy of any project plans associated with the implementation of Microsoft Sharepoint in your organisation.

3. A copy of any audit reports (to determine the effectiveness of your IT Service Desk or IT Helpdesk) undertaken on your IT Service Desk or IT Helpdesk between 2018 and the present day.


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1.SPO and ODfB were deployed in response to the COVID pandemic and working from home edict, so no plans exist.

2.To Both OneDrive and Sharepoint were part of an overarching programme to adopt Office 365 and no specific plans exist for these components.

3.Our IT Support Desk has not been the subject of Internal Audit since 2018

Reference number
FOI 4523365
Date request received
Date of decision