Referrals for self-funded clients from Peterborough District Hospital - Find a freedom of information request


New questions refers to FOI 4388505:

1. Why does Braceborough Hall never receive any referrals for self-funded clients from Peterborough District Hospital?

2. Your table sets our numbers of referrals for 48 homes. It would be helpful to have names of homes so that I can understand the geographical spread.

3. Why have 4 homes had double figure numbers of referrals. This does not seem either fair or equitable.

4. What is the process involved by the hospital in deciding to which homes referrals are passed.


1. The Freedom of Information Act is for recorded information only.

2. Section 43(2) of FOIA states that information is exempt from disclosure if its disclosure would or would be likely to prejudice the commercial interests of any person (including the public authority holding it).

3. Service users are offered choice, Social care teams provide service users and their families with a care directory which contains information with regards to all care homes in Lincolnshire and they would advise of what care homes were in the chosen area, they would not recommend any care home to service users and their families.

Adult care are not always involved in the discharges of self-funders from hospitals unless an assessment is requested and accepted by the self-funder

4. As per response to question 3 above it is service user / family choice

Reference number
FOI 4995493
Date request received
Date of decision