Number of disabled children registered in your local authority area - Find a freedom of information request


Please find below our FOI request regarding the children’s’ social care workforce.

We would like to know the numbers of full-time equivalent children’s’ social workers, the number of those social workers specifically allocated to disabled children and the vacancy rates and agency rates for both set of roles.

It would be appreciated if you could complete the template for the given time periods listed below.

Number of disabled children registered in your local authority area __CIN census return _on the 21/22 480 Children Act register _________________

A. Total Number of Full-Time Equivalent Childrens’ Social Workers (including Agency Workers)

B. Total Number of Full-Time Equivalent Disabled Childrens’ Social Workers (including agency workers)

C. Number of Full-Time Equivalent Childrens’ Social Worker Vacancies

D. Number of Full-Time Equivalent Disabled Childrens’ Social Worker Vacancies

E. Number of Full-Time Equivalent of Childrens’ Social Workers that are Agency Staff

F. Number of Full-Time Equivalent of Disabled Childrens’ Social Workers that are Agency Staff


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

Please find attached completed table

Number of disabled children registered in our local authority area:

- 480 open to Social Care with a disability across all social care teams

- At 31/10/22 - 270 open cases to the Children with Disabilities team

- The number of 0-17-year-olds on the Children Act Register is 1678

- and the number of 18-25 year olds is 1348

Should you require the attachment mentioned above please contact with the below reference number and this can be provided.

Reference number
FOI 5382273
Date request received
Date of decision