Installations of electric vehicle charging points - Find a freedom of information request


1. What plans does the Council have to create further electric vehicle charging points?

2. When will they be installed and where?

3. What is being done to enable any resident without access to off-street parking to charge electric vehicles either from on-street chargers or from home chargers?

4. Are there any partnerships with other organisations developing solutions for such residents (eg Kerbo)?

5. Will residents be consulted?


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. Lincolnshire County Council identified alternative fuels as a priority in the Local Transport Plan adopted in 2022. As such have been working with partners across Lincolnshire and the region in order to respond to funding opportunities. As a result, acted as lead partner with Midlands Connect, applying for the Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) fund and were successful.

2. LCC will use this funding to install over 100 charge points, starting in 2023.

3. This is the challenge LCC seek to look at more deeply through the LEVI pilot described above.

4. LCC do not have any formal partnership or procurement relationships, and will be undertaking a procurement exercise in 2023.

5. LCC talked to residents about this issue as part of the consultation for the Local Transport Plan, and will continue to work with communities and of course with the local elected Councillors who represent their areas too

Reference number
FOI 5460421
Date request received
Date of decision