Grantham Library - Find a freedom of information request


I am looking into outstanding library fines at Grantham Library, which is located in the Isaac Newton Shopping Centre, Newton St, Grantham NG31 6EE.

1. I would like to request what the total sum of fines that is owed to Grantham Library was for each of the past five years, the period being 2017 to 2022.

2. I would also like to question what is the monetary value of the single biggest library fine in the Grantham Library history, and how long was the item not returned for?

3. In a similar request, I would also like to ask what the monetary value of the biggest library fine currently outstanding is, and when was this item's scheduled return date?

4. How many library items are currently overdue at Grantham library?

5. How many people are currently library card holders at the Grantham Library?


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. We do not record annually the sum total of fines outstanding and so cannot provide a historic breakdown by year. However we can provide the figure as stands on 1/12/22, which is that the sum total of fines currently owing at Grantham Library is £1,725.08. Please note that not all items that go overdue have an overdue fine attached due to borrowers with the exempt status.

2. Overdue fines for adult members are capped at £8 per item and for junior members they are capped at £2 per item, therefore there is not one single biggest fine for one outstanding item.

3. See answer to question 2, therefore there is no one item that can be identified

4. 877

This is not dissimilar to what we would expect at other similar-sized libraries in Lincolnshire.

5. There are 9,732 library cards registered at Grantham Library,

Please note that people can use their library card at any Lincolnshire Library, not just the site they are registered at.

Reference number
FOI 5627449
Date request received
Date of decision