Yearly cost to transport primary and secondary school children in Spalding, Holbeach and Market Deeping area - Find a freedom of information request


1. Can you supply the total yearly cost figure to transport all of the local children by bus to Shepeau Stow Primary School including their return journeys home.

2. The total yearly cost figure to transport all of the local senior school children using the feeder bus to the senior school buses to Spalding/Holbeach/Market Deeping and also include their return trip costs too.


1. Contract 4735-1-MS (Public Service Vehicle (PSV) contract). Cost for the Financial Year 2022/2023; £23,000.34 confirmed and £10,406.36 predicted. Total cost £33,406.70.

2. Contract 1308-1-MS (PSV Contract). Cost for the Financial Year 2022/2023; £25,762.66 confirmed and £11,514.74 predicted. Total cost £37,277.40.

Contract 6367-1-MS (Taxi Contract). Cost for the Financial Year 2022/2023; £4,513.60 confirmed and £2,235.32 predicted. Total cost £6,748.92.

Reference number
Date request received
5 January 2023
Date of decision
16 January 2023