Organisational structures for the highways department - Find a freedom of information request


1. Please may I have the organisational structure for the highways department of your council, including highways design, highway development, traffic engineering and road safety.

2. A breakdown of individual divisions and team(s) within the aforementioned department including the names, titles and contact details including telephone numbers of all team members for each division as of the date of this request

3. Could I have the number of temporary staff members and you have taken on in the past 6 months, either via recruitment agency or independently


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. Please find attached the structure charts which fall in scope of your request.

Please be aware, some personal information has been removed.

This personal information is exempt from disclosure under section 40(2) which, by virtue of section 40(3)(a)(i), allows a public authority to withhold information from a response to a request under the Freedom of Information Act when the information requested is personal data relating to someone other than the requestor, and its disclosure would contravene one of the Data Protection principles. 

2. LCC have one specific point of contact for our highways services which is the Customer Service Centre. The contact number for highways is 01522 782070. LCC don't give out our officers details directly.

3. For all teams : 0 

Should you require the attachments mentioned above please contact with the below reference number and these can be provided.

Reference number
FOI 5637109
Date request received
Date of decision