Fall protection and lightning protection assets - Find a freedom of information request


We have recently purchased a competitors database with a few Lincolnshire Council sites. Within this portfolio, to ensure that my sales team do not make excessive contact to the council directly,

1. I wondered whether you had a list of sites that had fall protection and lightning protection assets installed?

This way, I can ensure that their time and your staff's time is maximised by not dealing with endless enquiries regarding the inspection services we provide.

Please make sure you then colour in each box in yellow to show that you have made contact, we can then change at a later date.


1. All of the sites which do have fall or lightning protection are already maintained via Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) property services contract so there is no need to contact LCC regarding individual sites.

Reference number
Date request received
20 December 2022
Date of decision
18 January 2023