Lincolnshire County Council intranet Management - Find a freedom of information request


1) How does Lincolnshire County Council manage its intranet? Is it centrally managed or are there content editors across the council?

2) What management platforms do you use? (etc SharePoint, traditional, CMS)

3) a) How do your staff access it (networked or remotely)

b) If these figures are readily available, what percentage of staff have full access?

4) a) What type of staff engagement functionality does your intranet service have (eg blogs, feedback, chat rooms, etc)

b) How well is it thought of by staff?

5) What are the most accessed pages/top tasks on the site in 2021/2022?

6) If you were to redevelop it what would you change and what would you keep? 


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1) There are a number of sites administered locally by content editors within service areas (be that functional or organisational sites). There is a corporate site which links to content held on other sites. The corporate site is also the home of internal news

2) Sharepoint

3)a Both

b. All LCC staff have access (with a small number with content editor permissions)

4) a Feedback mechanism through email

b The intranet was first created in 2021 and following consultation with a group of LCC ‘champions’ the corporate site was refreshed in July 2022 to very positive reactions.

5) Top pages visited: Business World (corporate HR) and My IT (we only have a rolling figure for page view for the preceding 90 days)

6) It is continually evolving and being improved when required

Reference number
FOI 5799193
Date request received
Date of decision