Central Schools Services Block - Find a freedom of information request


1. Can you confirm that the funding allocated to your local authority in the 2021-22 'ongoing commitments' category of the CSSB (Central Schools Services Block) was £3,524,320?

2. How much of the funding specified in (1) above (as a raw figure) was allocated to SACRE related spending and if relevant to ASC (Agreed Syllabus Conference) related spending?

3. How much money from the CSSB funding for 2021-2022 did you spend on:

(a) Democratic services to support SACRE meetings in 2021-2022 (e.g. a clerk)

(b) i. Professional support (A Religious Education specialist adviser or consultant to support the work of SACRE)

ii. Who provides the specialist RE support to SACRE in 3(b) e.g. No one, an RE specialist, a LA officer with an interest in RE etc.

(c) Support for schools, including CPD and training specifically for Religious Education and or Collective Worship

(d) Other costs

(e) Please explain what the amount in (d) was spent on.

(a) How much money from other funds outside the CSSB fund was used to support RE in schools in your local authority?
(b) what was the source(s) of the funds in 4(a)? e.g. community integration fund

(a) In which academic year was your last agreed syllabus for RE published?
(b) How much did it cost to complete the revision in 5a? (i.e., to write it, develop it, publish it and launch it including training for your schools)

(a) Where would a member of the public access your Agreed Syllabus for RE?

(b) What is the weblink (url) for your syllabus or summary document?

(a) Who is the contact (Name) for SACRE business in your LA?

(b) What is the contact's (email address) for SACRE business in your LA?

(c) How many meetings of SACRE were held in the academic year 2021-2022?

(d) how many of those meetings in 7(c) had representation from all four statutory groups (were quorate)?

(e) Does your SACRE partner with any other SACRE?

(f) If the answer to 7(e) is Yes, which other SACREs do you partner with?

(g) What partnership activity is undertaken in 7(f)?

8. Are there any barriers to providing funding to fulfil your statutory duties in relation to SACRE and/or the Agreed Syllabus Conference that you want to tell us about?

9. Is there anything else you want to tell us?

We intend to anonymise this data before analysing and publishing it, but may show un-anonymised data to the DfE.


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. Yes

2. £0. From 2022/23, the SACRE responsibilities are being funded from the CSSB - £0.030m.

3. £0

4. a. £21,200

b. Core Council Funding

5. a. 2018

b. £24,700

6. a. Diocese Education

b. https://www.lincolndiocesaneducation.com/page/?title=Lincolnshire+Locally+Agreed+Syllab us&pid=30

7.a. Jill Chandar -Nair

b. emily.wilcox@lincolnshire.gov.uk

c. 2

d. 2

e. No

8. Non identified at present

9. The FOI Act is for recorded information only,

The local authority does not have to answer your question if this would mean creating new information or giving an opinion or judgment that is not already recorded.

Reference number
FOI 5873561
Date request received
Date of decision