Refusal to assess appeals - Find a freedom of information request


Please can we have the stats for the following:

1) How many refusal to assess appeals have been registered this year?

2) How many of these were upheld?

3) How many refusal to issue have been registered this year?

4) How many of these were upheld?

5) How many contents and placement appeals have been registered this year?

6) How many of the parental preference for placement were named?

7) How many children have EHCP's in your LA?

8) How many of these are in mainstream settings?

9) How many of these are in specialist?

10) How many of these have EOTAS?

11) How many Children with special educational needs have no placements currently?


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1) 13 refusal to assess appeals were registered in 2022

2) 11 of these appeals were conceded. Two appeals were defended – the results of these is yet to be determined

3) Four refusal to issue appeals were registered in 2022.

4) Three of these appeals were conceded. One appeal was withdrawn

5) 57 contents and placement appeals were registered in 2022

6) LCC do not record information in such a way that we can extrapolate how many of the parental preference for placements were named.

7) As of 7th February 2023, 6922 Children and Young People have EHCP’s in Lincolnshire.

8) As of 7th February 2023, 3067 of these CYP were in mainstream settings (3973 including sixth form and those in General FE and tertiary colleges).

9) As of 7th February 2023, 2362of these CYP were in specialist settings (2472 including post 16 institutions).

10) 284 CYP are currently receiving Education Other Than At School. This included pupils who are Electively Home Educated and those receiving Interim Home Tuition.

11) We currently have 10 CYP without education provision within Lincolnshire. This includes 7 pupils who have recently moved into Lincolnshire and a search for suitable education setting in underway, One pupil whose education setting has closed and Two pupils who recently ended Elective Home Education and for whom a search for a school setting is being undertaken.

Reference number
FOI 5816217
Date request received
Date of decision