The Battle of Gainsborough and the recent housing development on Foxby Hill - Find a freedom of information request


1. I wish to request copies of all emails, letters, and documents held by the Historic Places Team and Lincolnshire County Council relating to the Battle of Gainsborough and the recent housing development on Foxby Hill (the site of the battle) in Gainsborough.

2. This will include all correspondence between you and all departments/individuals of West Lindsey District Council prior to the housing development taking place.

3. It will also include copies of the archaeological surveys of the site carried out before the housing development took place. I also request any further material relating to the matter up to February 2023. 


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

Looking at the records held in the Historic Environment Record (HER) Lincolnshire County Council have for this in the HER (MLI52062) for the battle:

With MLI126102 for the associated modern memorial stone located off Foxby Road:

All of the information sources are things that are in the public domain already - books available in libraries, desk-based assessment and metal detecting survey on the online ADS library, Historic England's designation decisions available via Heritage Gateway.

The final source in its HER record for the battle is the enquirers own book on the battle, which it has in the HER library. As regards the Planning applications and decisions for this site, this is the responsibility of West Lindsey District Council, and their Planning Committee and staff.

Reference number
FOI 6193497
Date request received
Date of decision