Call-Connect Contracts - Find a freedom of information request


If possible i would like to view the tender process forms used for the purpose of call connect in the ln area, with special attention to:

1.What date were tenders invited

2.What date did the tenders have to be in by when was the window closed.

3.What date was the successful Tenders notified they had won the tender.

4 Were tenders asked to bid for for a daily rate (ie) 13 hours work or an hourly rate of pay per work completed.

5 Do successful tenders have to be accepted by recipient if so by what date.


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. 22/12/2022

2. 20/01/2023

3. 08/02/2023

4. Daily rate of operation

5. No- the most economically advantageous bid is offered the contract. Supplier can either accept or reject the offer of contract.

Reference number
FOI 6571953
Date request received
Date of decision