Fire service being called out to e-scooter and e-bike incidents - Find a freedom of information request


In each of the past five years, going back to January 1 2018, and into 2023 up to and including the date of receipt of this FOI request, where that data is held.

1, Please provide the number of instances where the fire service has been called out to attend a fire caused by e-scooters and e-bikes?

2. Please differentiate between instances where the callouts to fires were caused by e-bikes, and to fires caused by e-scooters?


1. There has only been one incident since January 1st 2018 and that was in in April 2023.

2. That was caused by an e-scooter with a faulty battery.

Reference number
Date request received
16 May 2023
Date of decision
30 May 2023