The Council's legal function and legal service staffing structure - Find a freedom of information request


Regarding the Council's legal function and legal service staffing structure.

1. Please can you also confirm your overall budget for the legal service function, including any work sent to external providers for the last financial year.

2. Please can you confirm if your council is part of a share legal service with the other councils.

3. A copy of your staffing structure for your legal service including any administrative support function;

4. Please confirm whether your inhouse legal practice undertakes case work for:

a. Pension Fund advice including admission agreements;

b. Risk & Insurance claims


1.Legal Services Lincolnshire (LSL) is a Trading Unit of Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) and part of a shared partnership of District Councils within Lincolnshire. As such LSL has no designated budget but a target set by LCC which covers all staff, non-staff costs and disbursements. These costs are covered by charging our in-house clients for instructions we undertake and recharging of external disbursements. We send work to external providers as and when required.

2.Yes, as 1 above

3.Please find attached

4. a) Yes

    b) Yes

Should you require the attachment mentioned above please contact with the below reference number and this can be provided.

Reference number
FOI 6900809
Date request received
Date of decision