Deployment of chargers under Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) funding - Find a freedom of information request


1.  What are the council's plans and timelines for the deployment of chargers under LEVI funding?

2. If there is no reply to the above what is your timeline to have something ready?

3. Regarding the NEVIS data that has been provided to local authorities and councils.

Can you provide the amount for;

*           Slow 7KW or less

*           22KW

*           rapid chargers

Are forecasted for your area from NEVIS for your council?

4. Do you already have PFI's for your street furniture if so who they are with?

5. Who is in charge of leading the electric vehicle charging projects under LEVI, their department and contact information?

6. Does the authority allow drilling in lamp columns to accommodate the installation of electric vehicle charging points?

7. What execution issues have been faced in implementing your current EV strategy, if any?

8. Have you granted planning permission for large-scale development of housing estates if so who? Or are you looking at any with the possibility of granting, again if so who?


1. Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) along with four local authority partners were awarded Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Pilot funding to explore ways of working and equitable distribution of charge points across these local authorities. Currently pilot is currently in the development stage, timescales are unknown until the proposals have gone through each local authorities governance process. We aim to have a tender for this project out late Summer/Autumn in which will inform the partnerships a realistic timeframe for the charge point operator to confirm delivery timeframes for installation of charge points that can be delivered this fiscal year and/or the following year.


With the announcement of the full LEVI funding in March 2023, LCC have expressed an interest to be part of Tranche 2 as part of Expression of Interest stage one of the LEVI process, however no deadlines have been confirmed by the OZEV on deployment of chargers and stages two and three of the LEVI process which has only been confirmed for Tranche 1 at the moment. Please keep updated on the deadlines and timeframes here:


2. Not applicable.


3. All local NEVIS forecast data for the dates you need (from 2023 - 2050) can be formally requested through to


Please note that NEVIS projections are a different methodology to provided in our current EV Strategy, as there is no one size all fit approach when it comes to EV infrastructure. Our current EV strategy is available here: NEVIS forecasts are availability on three levels from EV uptake projections (High/Medium/Low), EV Infrastructure Strategy (Blend/Hub/Residential) and by type of vehicle (cars and LGVs).


4. No.


5. Infrastructure Investment, Growth Services.


6. No.


7. Following the Uk’s Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Strategy identified key interventions to support EV Strategies, in which the LEVI capital fund and LEVI capacity fund released this year is hoping to help address the resources and financial support to help deliver our ambitions in the EV Strategy. In the Midlands, a partnership approach has been taken with the Midlands Sub-National Body to help support the council, which currently do not have an EV officer and provides a EV program support to help with support the council and relevant teams who have been tasked to help deliver this ambition, and as a lead authority for the Midlands LEVI Pilot, we are making great progress with a new innovative approach to help deliver equitable EV Infrastructure provision and connectivity between partners. Please find more about the project here:


8. Planning permission for housing development in Lincolnshire is granted by the Local Planning Authorities which is a district council responsibility.

Reference number
Date request received
1 June 2023
Date of decision
27 June 2023