School appeals administered by Lincolnshire County Council specifically for places at Horncastle Queen Elizabeth Grammar School for the academic intake year starting in September 2023 - Find a freedom of information request


Information in relation to School appeals administered by Lincolnshire County Council specifically for places at Horncastle Queen Elizabeth Grammar School for the academic intake year starting in September 2023.


1. The number of appeals which were successful and the score those appeals received from the 11+ tests. The category under which the the appeal was judged to be acceptable.


2. The number of appeals that were unsuccessful and the score those appeals received from the 11+ tests.


3. Provide a copy of the policy or guidance provided to the appeals board for grounds for appeals to be approved/not approved.


4. Provide a copy of the training provided for the appeals board for grounds for appeals to be approved.


5. The cost of the appeals process.


1. Please see attached - Horncastle QE Appeal Outcome.pdf


Further information is already within the public domain.


2. Please see attached – Horncastle QE Appeal Outcome.pdf


3. This information is already within the public domain.


4. Please find attached our training documents. We run an annual training session for all members over Teams, this year it was held in January. Our School Admissions Manager updated the panel on any changes or updates to the Codes or procedures. The panel were a mix of Education and Lay members as required by the School Admission Appeals Code.


5. The cost of this summer's block appeals process is £3347.31.

Reference number
Date request received
4 June 2023
Date of decision
30 June 2023