Family Time Service (Supervised Contact Service) - Find a freedom of information request


Family Time Service (Supervised Contact Service)

1. Number of FTE staff

2. Number of children on your current caseload

3. Monthly allocated contact hours for March and April 2023

4. Number of cancelled hours for March and April 2023

5. What process is employed if there are multiple cancellations?


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. 24.92 FTE contracted staff supported by relief members of the team at times of need/pressure

2. 875 children

3. In March 23, 978 sessions of Family Time was held/took place, equating to 2,250.72 hours. In April 23, 885 sessions of Family Time was held/took place, equating to 2,164.75 hours

4. In April 23, 161 sessions of Family Time was cancelled, equating to 309.5 hours. In March 23, 172 sessions of Family Time was cancelled, equating to 331.75 hours.

5. When family members do not attend three sessions, which do not have to be consecutive, Family Time will be placed on hold (for a max of 7 days) and a Family Time Review meeting held, at the earliest convenience, to explore the issue. If parents advice that they wish to reduce Family Time, this is fed back to the SW and the court updated.

Family Time reinstated following review, if attendance remains an issue and cannot be resolved, this is fed back to the SW to look at reducing when back in court or take this back into court if there is not a hearing in the near future. Family Time can be reduced and built back up to court order once family commit to attending regularly.

Reference number
FOI 7194517
Date request received
Date of decision