Gov Notify services - Find a freedom of information request


According to information published on the Gov.Uk Notify website (GovNotify), your organisation is currently using 12 live Gov Notify services. Could you please provide me with;

1. A list of the 12 departments or services currently using Gov Notify.

2. The primary name and contact details for each of the Gov Notify account holders.


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. Gov.Uk states there are 12 Lincolnshire County Council live services and 3 Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue live services using Gov Notify. Our records show that the areas which use these services are Digital, Communications, Emergency Planning, Children's Services and Adult Social Care.

2. The above services can be contacted through our Customer Service Centre on 01522 552222 or

Reference number
FOI 7587555
Date request received
Date of decision