School transport services - Find a freedom of information request


School transport services. 

1. At what time in the morning would it be considered too early to collect a child using home to school transport. 

2. How many other children attending Barnes Wallis Academy are collected by home to school transport at 07:15am 

3. How many other children in Lincolnshire who have a 11 mile journey or 25 minute drive by car have a commute for over 1 hour 15 minutes per day each way totalling a total commute of 2.5 hours per day. 

4. How many other children whose school is 11 miles away or 25 minute drive by car have a commute of over 60 minutes per day each way, totalling 2 hours per day? 

5. How many complaints have been received in relation to transport times in this academic year. 


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. Lincolnshire County Council does not hold this information as it can depend on a large number of factors such as distance to school, collections on route and school start times.

2. Collection times are set by the operators and not LCC, we hold approximate times but these are not accurate.

3. Each child’s travel time is based on different factors, such as how many travel on the vehicle, the distance travelled and what type of transport they are travelling on (bus or taxi). The Department for Education provides guidance that we endeavour to follow but we are not always able to give Lincolnshire is a rural county and we transport children to destinations outside of Lincolnshire as well.

The guidance is for secondary aged students,with a maximum travel time of 75 minutes for one journey being the guide.

4. As above

5. To find and collate the information for this question would take longer than the 18hrs allowed under section 12 (1) of the FOI Act 2000


Reference number
FOI 8086253
Date request received
Date of decision