Grammar School Catchment Areas - Find a freedom of information request


1. The Grammar School Catchment Areas for both 2023/2024 and 2024/2025.

2. The Transport areas of the same

It's not a specific grammar school that I am looking for, rather the area that served as the traditional grammar school catchment of King Edward VI Grammar School, that was taken over by King Edward VI Academy in Spilsby after it's merger.
I have the results of a Freedom of Information request to David Ross Education Trust (of which King Edward VI in Spilsby is a part) whereby I enquired as to the admission of children who had passed the 11+ to said school. As a part of this, the selective component of KEVIs admission policy has been dropped from next year, which I had noted in the Admission Policy of the school and was confirmed by DRET. However, KEVI still provided the results of the 11+ to students in the traditional catchment area for KEVI for the September 2024 intake. I am seeking clarification of that catchment area, and what is happening.
This has been a longstanding issue in the Spilsby area, as KEVI used to claim (as recently as last October) that they ran a 'Grammar Stream', but my FOI request suggests they haven't been for years (which locally was well known, to be honest). This has caused families in our area to have children who have passed but are out of catchment for actual grammar schools, so are subject to over subscription criteria as well as significant transport costs.
The question is an attempt to find out what the catchment area is of the surrounding schools, particularly in light that nothing was sent to parents regarding this from KEVI in regard to the change in Admission Policy. It is the catchment grammar school that sends the results elsewhere, so it leaves families unaware of what school is their catchment grammar school.



  • Alford Grammar – use ‘designated transport area’ as their catchment area
  • Boston Grammar and Boston High – do not have a catchment area
  • Horncastle QE Grammar - use ‘designated transport area’ as their catchment area
  • Skegness Grammar - use ‘designated transport area’ as their catchment area

All of the schools admissions policies can be found at

2. The Grammar School Designated Tranpsort Areas for 2023/24 can be found in the school and college transport policy

Image attached:

The policy for 2024/25 is yet to be finalised and Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) do not hold that information.

Should you require the attachments mentioned above please contact with the below reference number and this can be provided.

Reference number
Date request received
31 October 2023
Date of decision
20 November 2023