Gender neutral toilets - Find a freedom of information request


This is an information request relating to renovations made to facilitate gender neutral toilets in the main council office.

Please include the following information for each of the following financial years; 2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23:

Please include the following information:

1. A total number of new gender neutral toilets and a total number of conversions made.

2. The sum of money spent on building new gender neutral toilets including the conversion of existing toilets.

3. The number of complaints related to gender neutral toilets and copies of any complaints (with redactions made to ensure confidentiality is maintained)

By gender neutral toilets I am referring to those with shared facilities, that are not separated by sex or gender. 


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. 17 individual gender neutral toilet cubicles have been created, replacing 8 existing female toilets, 5 existing male urinals and 5 existing male toilets.

2. It is not possible to give a figure for the conversion as the works were included as part of a wider refurbishment project.

3. No complaints have been received from employees about gender neutral toilets.

Reference number
FOI 8284421
Date request received
Date of decision