Market Sustainability and Improvement Fund - Workforce Fund - Find a freedom of information request


1. Please provide a copy of the reporting template containing both the spend return and qualitative report, submitted to the Department of Health and Social Care by 28 September 2023, as outlined in the Market Sustainability and Improvement Fund - Workforce Fund. 

As per the following excerpt from the following press release announced on 14 September:  '£40 million is being invested to improve social care capacity, strengthen admissions avoidance services and boost discharge rates - targeting the areas with the greatest urgent and emergency care challenges… …Local authorities can bid for the £40 million to help boost adult social care provision over the winter months.'

2. Did your local authority make a 'bid' for a share of this £40 million fund, as outlined above?

(Please answer Yes or No) 

If yes, please provide a copy of your submitted 'bid'  

3. Please confirm the fee uplift percentage you offered for the 23/24 financial year for the following service types.

Note: If you offered a fixed amount, rather than a percentage uplift, please confirm the amount offered. If you did not offer a standard uplift, please provide the average uplift offered for each service type. If you have not offered any form of uplift, please state so and explain why not, or when this is likely being communicated. 


Nursing Dementia


Residential Dementia


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. See attached document

2. No

3. Nursing – 13.7% 65+

Nursing Dementia – not applicable

Residential – 13.9% - 65+

Residential Dementia – not applicable

Should you require the attachment mentioned above please contact with the below reference number and this can be provided.

Reference number
FOI 8124309
Date request received
Date of decision