The merger of Tennyson High School with Monks Dyke School - Find a freedom of information request


1. Copies of all meetings, discussions and telephone conversations that took place between 2010 and 2017 in connection with

a. The merger of Tennyson High School with Monks Dyke School
b. The closure of Monks Dyke Tennyson School (Mablethorpe Campus)

This includes discussions between

a. LCC officers and governors of the school
b. LCC councillors and portfolio holders and governors of the school
c. LCC officers and any person connected with the school
d. LCC councillors and governors of the school

2. I request copies of all documents shared between the parties highlighted in (1)


I can confirm that the information requested is not held by Lincolnshire County Council.

This information is outside of the retention dates for Lincolnshire County Council. Information may be found at:


Reference number
FOI 8641641
Date request received
Date of decision