Modern Slavery Services - Find a freedom of information request


Please find attached/below an Freedom of Information request relating to Modern Slavery Services within your Local Authority.

Modern Slavery Leads

Q1. Do you as a local authority have a specialist lead/single point of contact on issues relating to modern slavery?

Q2. If relevant, what team is the specialist lead/single point of contact based within? (e.g. adult social care, children's services, community safety etc.).

Q3. If relevant, is this specialist lead/single point of contact employed specifically to carry out this role relating to modern slavery, or are these duties carried out on top of other professional duties?

Q4. If relevant, in what year did you begin to employ a specialist lead/single point of contact on duties relating to modern slavery?

Modern Slavery Funding

Q5. For each of the following years, please indicate how much money your local authority invested in identifying and supporting potential victims of modern slavery (if data is only available in financial years please provide in this format): 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019Where relevant, please provide examples of what these funds were invested in (i.e. training, commissioning survivor support services etc.) Modern Slavery Training

Q6. What specialist training do you provide for employees to carry out their duties as First Responders in carrying out referrals of potential victims of modern slavery to the National Referral Mechanism? Where possible please provide examples.

Q7. What specialist training do you provide for employees to better understand the rights of modern slavery survivors when it comes to issues of housing and accommodation for survivors of modern slavery?

Where possible please provide examples.


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1-4. No Single Point of Contact currently

5. There is no specific budget.

6. “Tackling Exploitation and Modern Slavery in Lincolnshire” is mandatory training for all LCC staff, not just First Responders. Additional training courses are available for those front-line staff more likely to detect modern slavery, including: Child Exploitation, Missing Children in Lincolnshire, Modern Slavery and Trafficking, and Grooming and Exploitation training events. Safeguarding training includes learning from the experience of large-scale modern slavery in Lincolnshire.

7. Elements are included in the training events for front-line staff detailed above, but there is no specialist training

Reference number
FOI 8474169
Date request received
Date of decision