Bakers Lane, Bassingham, Lincolnshire - Find a freedom of information request


Bakers Lane, Bassingham, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, 

The dike in question runs for a short length along the verge before entering a drain pipe connected to the main highways drains.

The BT duct was installed a few years ago and it is my suspicion that it has damaged the drain pipe and there is now something causing the drain to block. Want to see the work report for the 30/11.


A meeting was held on the 17/01/24 Discussed was the jetting jobs that took place in November last year and January this year.

The requester confirmed that, since the buried catchpit was found and jetted through, there have been no further issues.

The highways officer explained that we have checked with the Streetworks team who have confirmed that no works had taken place by BT as far as we can see in the records, which are extensive and accurate.

Suggested to the requester that the ditch be dug out to roughly 200mm below the invert level of the pipe to provide extra capacity, to which has been agreed.

The only concern, after inspecting the ditch opposite Carlton Road, is that along the tree line approx. 80mtrs in length is a relatively flat section of ditch which accommodates LCC highways own outfall pipe for the offlet.

Also noticed is that the outfall pipe for the gully is completely buried. Legal Services team has been contacted to confirm who owns the adjacent land and will then get in touch with the landowner and request they dig out their length of ditch.

Once works have been completed, this should help alleviate issues of backing up and flooding should we see more significant rainfall in the future.

Reference number
FOI 8514125
Date request received
Date of decision