Education, Health and Care Plan providers - Find a freedom of information request


For last year (2022/23), and within the local authority area:


(a)   What was the average cost to relevant providers of delivering Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs);

(b)   How many EHCPs specified teaching assistant support under Section F.  


For (a), please can the average cost be provided as both (i) the mean and (ii) the median, where held.


If information is held on the average cost of EHCPs, but that information is calculated on a different basis to that outlined above, then please could those estimates be provided instead.


If information is held on the average cost of EHCPs, but those estimates are not inclusive of all providers (for example, if NHS providers are not included), then please could the estimates for the providers that figures are held for be given instead.


•The mean average top-up funding for an EHC Plan for a pupil in mainstream education is £8,662; the median average top-up funding is £7,890.

•The mean average cost for a pupil in a maintained or academy Special School is £17,313; the median average cost is £16,965.

•The mean average cost of a placement for a child with an EHC Plan in Independent Mainstream education is £17,333; the median average is £17,932

•The mean average cost of a placement in an Independent Non-Maintained Specialist setting is £70,353; the median average cost is £50,000

Reference number
Date request received
4 January 2024
Date of decision
30 January 2024