Out of cohort application for summer born children starting school at compulsory school age - Find a freedom of information request


1. May I request the documentation surrounding the revision of the process used for making a decision about an out of cohort application for summer born children starting school at compulsory school age.

The documentation is referred to as "guiding principles" in our correspondence with the council and is said to be used by panel members when making a decision on which year group to place a child in.


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

Lincolnshire County Council does not hold a document referred to as guiding principles.

In previous correspondence which we believe is being referred to, we said that minutes of a review meeting acted as guiding principles for the panel and any review is in line with these principles.

LCC do not recall any correspondence which states that a document referred to as 'guiding principles' is being used.

Reference number
FOI 8832857
Date request received
Date of decision