Care provision for adults (ages 18+) with dementia or mental health needs - Find a freedom of information request


This is a freedom of information request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please provide the following information you have pertaining to care provision for adults (ages 18+) with dementia or mental health needs:

1. Number of service users: younger adults (18-64)

The total number of younger adults (18-64) with dementia or mental health needs in a care home service with nursing as of 31 March 2023, by average weekly fee (please fill in the table below). If there are service users that are co-funded by the LA and NHS, please only include those where you are the primary funder (i.e. fund ≥50% of the care).

Can you please indicate if these are 'in area' or 'out of area' placements. By out of area we mean where an individual is receiving care outside of the catchment area of the LA.

If this is not possible, please provide the total number of service users.

2. Number of service users by average weekly fee/cost of care (e.g. paid to residential care provider)

Less than £1,000



More than £5,000

In area - care home service with nursing

Out of area -care home service with nursing


Please fill in the table above table again but with the corresponding information as of 31 March 2021

Please fill in the table above table again but with the corresponding information as of 31 March 2019 

Number of service users: older adults (65+)

The total number of older adults (65+) with dementia or mental health needs in a care home service with nursing as of 31 March 2023, by average weekly fee (please fill in the table below). If there are service users

that are co-funded by the LA and NHS, please only include those where you are the primary funder (i.e. fund ≥50% of the care). 

Can you please indicate if these are 'in area' or 'out of area' placements. By out of area we mean where an individual is receiving care outside of the catchment area of the LA.

3. Number of service users by average weekly fee/cost of care (e.g. paid to residential care provider)

Less than £1,000



More than £5,000

In area - care home service with nursing

Out of area -care home service with nursing


Please fill in the table above table again but with the corresponding information as of 31 March 2021

Please fill in the table above table again but with the corresponding information as of 31 March 2019Spend on services: Adults (aged 18+)

4. Please can you provide total spend by your LA on care home services with nursing as of 31 March 2023 for all adults (18+) with dementia or mental health needs, by average weekly fee.

Average weekly fee/cost of care (e.g. paid to residential care provider)


Less than £1,000



I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

Please find attached table

Should you require the attachment mentioned above please contact with the below reference number and this can be provided.

Reference number
FOI 9028526
Date request received
Date of decision