Leave and time off policy

Adverse weather

There may be occasions where, due to adverse weather, an employee is unable to get to work. Employees should make reasonable efforts but without compromising their safety. 

If it is not possible to get to work, employees must contact their manager. They should do this at the beginning of the working day or shift. They should: 

  • report that they are unable to get to work 
  • discuss options to work from a different location 
  • if appropriate, agree to work from home if there is access to suitable and appropriate systems of work  

If employees cannot get to work due to adverse weather conditions and they are not working from home, they should book: 

  • annual leave 
  • time off in lieu (toil) 
  • flexi-time 

Employees may request paid dependents' leave if they are not able to get to work due to: 

  • school closures, if they have to remain at home for child care reasons 
  • they have a dependent relative whose care is cancelled as a result of the weather 

This applies to occasional situations that result in an employee being unable to get to work. The business continuity people plan would apply in more serious events. This would include any severe disruption to the county, and to the services we provide.