Nurse revalidation policy

Continuing professional development (CPD)

We require all registrants to maintain accurate and verifiable records of CPD activity, to include:

  • the method of delivery
  • a description of the topic
  • dates and hours the CPD happened (including any participatory hours)

The registrant must also identify which parts of the NMC Code the CPD relates to. This must include evidence to support CPD participation. This can include:

  • certificate of completion (participatory and/or e-learning),
  • training records,
  • notes of coaching and/or supervision.

A template for recording CPD hours is available on the NMC website.

Practice related feedback

Feedback can be written or verbal, formal or informal, positive or constructive. Examples can include:

  • feedback on practice from service users and colleagues
  • complaints
  • team performance reports
  • root cause analysis investigations
  • appraisal feedback

We recommend that feedback is recorded so that it does not identify any individual(s). A recommended template for recording feedback is available on the NMC website.

Written reflective accounts

Reflection accounts can incorporate:

  • events or experience in practice
  • practice related feedback
  • and, or CPD

We recommend that feedback is recorded so that it does not identify any individual(s). A mandatory template for written reflective accounts is found on the NMC website.

Reflective discussion

The reflective discussion must be undertaken with another active NMC registrant. The purpose of the discussion is to encourage a culture of sharing, reflection and improvement. The reflective discussion can be part of the confirmation discussion. This can be done as part of the performance and development appraisal process if the line manager is an NMC registrant.

The discussion is a chance for the nurse to review their written reflective accounts. This might highlight how they have changed or improved their practice as a result. 

A mandatory template for recording reflective discussions is available on the NMC website. Both parties must complete this in full. 

Health and character and professional indemnity arrangements

Individual nurses are responsible for confirming to the NMC that:

  • they are of good health and character
  • they have professional indemnity arrangements

All nurses requiring NMC registration will be issued indemnity arrangements as part of their employment. The NMC does not require any additional evidence for these areas of revalidation. This does not replace 'fitness to practice'.