Trade union recognition and facilities agreement

Trade union membership

All workers have the right to join a trade union and to benefit from union representation. They also have the right to hold office with a trade union. Particular rights exist when the trade union is recognised for collective bargaining purposes by the employer. 

Appointment of trade union representatives (accreditation) 

The recognised trade unions agree to appoint representatives through an annual democratic election process. Where someone nominates a new representative during the election cycle, the same procedure will apply. 

Employees must inform their line manager if they intend to stand as a candidate for a trade union representative post. Early notification will help us to plan.  This should, in most cases, avoid objection to accreditation once the person has been elected.  

The trade union will provide the names of newly elected representatives, in writing, to the head of human resources (HR). 

In some rare cases, we may object to the accreditation of an elected representative. If this happens, the head of HR will meet with an officer of the relevant trade union to discuss the reasons. The director of resources may also be involved. We will try to find a way forward that satisfies both parties. If we cannot reach an agreement, the individual may request the matter is dealt with through our grievance procedure. 

The trade union will inform the head of HR when an accredited representative leaves office or their employment with us. The employee's accreditation will then cease. Accreditation is not automatically transferable. It may also cease if a representative transfers to a different post within the organisation. We will consider the matter if this occurs and adopt a reasonable and fair approach. 

Responsibilities and duties of trade union representatives: 

  • they shall be subject to the control of the trade union for their trade union duties 
  • they will operate within the agreed procedural arrangements set out within this agreement 
  • they will represent the interests of the trade union and their members within the area they represent 
  • any action taken by representatives in good faith whilst carrying out their union duties, shall not affect their employment or career prospects with us 
  • they will undertake their duties diligently and as per this agreement 
  • they will conform to the same working conditions and responsibilities of their colleagues

Administration and communications 

We will provide facilities to enable union representatives to communicate with their members. We will also support the promotion of good industrial relations. 

Trade unions will obtain permission, in advance, from the head of HR to hold union meetings on our premises. Union members must get prior agreement from their manager to leave work to meet with their union representative. 

Union representatives may use computers, email and telephones for union business, in line with our email and internet policy. 

We acknowledge that trade unions have a right to communicate in private with their members. 

Union subscriptions 

Employees generally pay their union subscriptions directly to their trade union. Employees may have their union subscriptions paid via payroll.