Reducing carbon

Carbon Management Plan 3

We've worked hard to reduce our carbon emissions and since 2005/06 we've made 46% reduction by 2017/18.

We worked with the Carbon Trust in 2017 to develop a third carbon management action plan to span 2018 to 2023.

From a 2016-17 baseline of 28,679 tonnes of carbon dioxide, we've made a commitment to reduce our carbon emissions even further by 20% by 2023, with potential savings of around £1.1 million.

You can read the plan:

Lincolnshire wide carbon modelling

A creation of a one-off Lincolnshire wide carbon baseline could identify areas of carbon emission reductions that would benefit from joint working.

It could include data from the county and district councils, with potentially other public bodies such as police, NHS and University of Lincoln contributing to the development.

This has approach has already worked for Waste services where a carbon footprint analysis has led to closer partnership working.

Local authority and regional carbon emissions

Data exists at district council level for per capita carbon emissions and this data goes back to 2005. The data has a two-year lag, but is useful as it breaks down emissions into domestic, commercial and transport emissions so it is possible to see changes over time.

District councils

Links to information on each of the district council's climate information and carbon management are:

Lincoln Climate Commission

The Lincoln Climate Commission emerged from a collaboration with the City of Lincoln Council, Siemens, Transition Lincoln and the University of Lincoln with an aim to make Lincoln zero carbon by 2030. 

University of Lincoln

Lincolnshire NHS

Lincolnshire Police

  • Carbon Management Plan awaiting approval.