Working for a better future

Lincolnshire County Council leadership

We have established an environment programme board that oversees the strategic direction for council activity and is accountable for reporting on our carbon emissions.

The sustainability team takes on the coordinating and reporting role at the council and will advise services about how they can respond to climate change impacts and bring their service activities to zero-carbon emissions.

Key parts of the organisational scope of the Green Masterplan will be led by separate delivery groups. These will include but are not limited to, the Lincolnshire Waste Partnership, the corporate transformation programme board, corporate property services, IMT and HR.

At a Lincolnshire local authority level, with all district councils and the county council coordinating the effort, the council leaders and chief executives group will provide the strategic overview. They have supported the recommendation to re-establish a countywide sustainability officers group.

This group will bring together the range of ambition and action happening across the county and find ways to work together to share workloads and financial contributions as much as possible. 

There are already many delivery groups that have membership from variety of public sector partners. These continue to be a crucial way to deliver the ambitions of the Green Masterplan, including Lincolnshire Waste Partnership, Greater Lincolnshire Nature Partnership, Central Lincolnshire Planning Group, Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Partnership and Flood Risk and Water Management Partnership.

Street lighting upgrade

In 2018, Lincolnshire County Council started a six-year programme to replace over 25,000 old street lights with LED lights.

LED lights are hugely more efficient as not only does it reduce carbon emissions but also gives a better quality of light, requires less servicing and has a much longer life span.

It is expected that this project will save taxpayers over £407,000 and 1,057 tonnes of carbon.

As part of our carbon management plan, over the coming months and years we will be replacing all our streetlights with LED lights.

Low carbon Lincoln Castle

In September 2020, Lincoln Castle started working with local company Delta-Simons to explore ways to become a low carbon visitor attraction by 2030.

This involves understanding where their biggest environmental impacts are and some of the ways these could be addressed. Conversations with staff, volunteers and visitors hope to unearth some innovative ideas that can help with the transition to net-zero over time.