Communications, IT and Policy

Woman discussing with remote managers on screen

Drive our strategic direction and help shape the future of our organisation. Be part of the team that sets our corporate goals and ensures we achieve them.

  • IT keeps our information systems running smoothly. You'll help ensure our staff have the tools and technology they need to do their jobs effectively.
  • Digital Services are moving us into the digital age. You'll work on improving our online services, making it easier for residents to interact with the council, and finding innovative digital solutions to improve our services.
  • Democratic Services play a key role in local democracy. You'll support our elected representatives, ensure our decision-making processes are transparent and fair, and help our residents engage with the democratic process.
  • Information Assurance help us keep our information safe. You'll work on everything from data protection to cybersecurity, ensuring our information systems are secure and reliable.
  • Policy roles help us make informed decisions. You'll research and develop policies that guide our work and ensure we're effective, fair, and focused on our community's needs.
  • Trading Standards protect our community from fraud and unfair trading. You'll enforce trading standards, investigate complaints, and help consumers and businesses understand their rights and responsibilities.

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