
Image of a group of volunteers

Join us as a volunteer and embark on a rewarding journey filled with new experiences, friendships, and personal growth. Here is a brief overview of some volunteering opportunities in Lincolnshire:


Dive into the past by participating in archaeological digs and historical research. Unearth hidden stories and artefacts that connect us to our heritage. We have opportunities at Lincoln Castle where you can immerse yourself in 1,000 years of history or why not help out at the Museum of Lincolnshire Life?


If you enjoy the outdoors, then there is no better place than the beautiful Lincolnshire Wolds and Countryside. Why not volunteer to help to assist with access maintenance, trail development, and environmental conservation. You might want to consider contributing to the protection and restoration of our unique chalk stream that enhance biodiversity and water quality.


Volunteering in your own community can be such a rewarding experience. Did you know that you can become a volunteer on a community panel where you can discuss local issues, influence decisions, and contribute to positive change, because your voice matters. What about doing something to support children in your area as a youth activator where you will engage with young people, organise activities, and create positive experiences. Be a role model and inspire the next generation.

Apply to become a volunteer