Traffic signal refurb happening in Spalding

Diversion route Winsover Road St Thomas's Road

Current equipment is being replaced with extra low voltage alternative.

Karen Cassar, assistant director of highways, said: “We’re very pleased to be able to take the time and put in the resources to get this improvement for Spalding.

“The current signal equipment is at the end of its life, and we can replace this now with extra low voltage equipment which will help to reduce the cardon footprint.”

Dates and times

The works will begin on Wednesday, February 14 and have a scheduled end date of Tuesday, March 12, subject to suitable weather.

Traffic management

A road closure will be required for the works to be completed. This will be in place throughout the work duration.

Diversion route

This will be a full closure on St Thomas’s Road. Traffic will be diverted from Winsover Road onto Hawthorn Bank. Follow the road to Little London Road, then to London Road (B1172). Traffic will be required to turn onto Magellan Way then onto St Thomas’s Road and vice versa.

Diversion Route Winsover Road St Thomas's Road

Diversion Route Winsover Road St Thomas's Road

Location of works

The works will be carried out at the T-junction between Winsover Road and St Thomas’s Road in Spalding.

Karen Cassar added: “Whilst we are refurbishing the equipment, we will also be carrying out work on the duct chambers and ducting on-site where needed.

“We will do everything possible to keep disruption to a minimum and a road closure will need to be in place for the works to be completed. I want to thank everyone effected by these improvement works for their patience whilst we get the new equipment in place.”

For up-to-date information about this and other roadworks, please visit

Published: 19th January 2024