Crossing refurb for Grantham

Manthorpe crossing refurb

New equipment coming to improve Toucan pedestrian aid.

Karen Cassar, assistant director for Highways at LCC, said: “As the current signal set-up is reaching the end of its life, we’re taking the opportunity to upgrade the equipment to a low voltage, more modern option. 

“The work means that we can run this crossing with a lower carbon footprint. We will also carry out tactile paving work, and replacing drainage elements including a new gully to help deal with surface water.”  

Location of works

The works will be carried out at Manthorpe Road, Grantham (Longcliffe Road). 

Dates and times

The work begins on Monday, February 3 and has a scheduled end date of Friday, February 28. Work times onsite will be from 09.30 to 15.30 Monday to Friday, subject to suitable weather.   

Traffic management

A road closure is not required. A three-way temporary traffic light system will be in place with a pedestrian phase included whilst works are happening. To help traffic flow, the lights will be reduced to a two-way system from 15.30 daily.  

Karen Cassar added: “These works aren’t a small job to complete and the modernisation of the equipment will cost around £95,000 to complete. 

“Thankfully, our crew has found a way to not have to close the road to carry out these works. For the safety of road users, pedestrians and our team however, we will have to put up three-way temporary traffic lights which will include a pedestrian phase. 

“To help traffic flow, this will be reduced to a two-way lights system with the pedestrian phase maintained. This will happen at 15.30 daily.   

“I would like to thank everyone effected for their patience and understanding whilst we are delivering this crossing improvement as part of our ongoing Grantham works.”  

For up-to-date information about this and other roadworks, please visit  

Published: 29th January 2025