Puffin crossing works for Holbeach

Holbeach Diversion Route 3

New crossing will be state-of-the-art for pedestrians.

Richard Davies, executive member for Highways at LCC, said: “Extra low voltage, modern Puffin crossings like the one we will be installing in Holbeach are a real step-up improvement over older versions. This will be a contributing factor in our carbon footprint reduction. 

“The crossing will be fully refurbished including with new equipment and tactile paving, kerbing and we will remove the old guardrail. Old signage on the approaches to the crossing that is no longer required will also be removed.”  

Location of works

The works will be carried out on the High Street near to the junction of St John’s Street in Holbeach Town centre at the existing Pelican crossing. 

Dates and times

The works will begin on Monday, February 24 and have a scheduled end date of Friday, March 14. Work times onsite will be from 08.00 to 16.00, subject to suitable weather.   

Traffic management

A road closure is required for the duration of the works on St John’s Street with a diversion route in place throughout.  

Diversion route

The signed diversion route will be; Chapel Street back on to St John’s Street to the junction with Fishpond Lane and vice versa. Access for businesses and residents will be maintained throughout. 

Cllr Davies added: “These works will cost around £100,000 to deliver and the new Puffin crossing will have the latest technology to include on-crossing detectors which monitor users as they cross.  

“These particularly help pedestrians who might need a bit more time when crossing by increasing the all-red-light time and stopping traffic getting a green signal before the pedestrian has fully reached the opposite side.  

“Kerbside detectors will also be installed to stop so-called ‘push and walk’ issues, where users push the push button but then cross in a gap in the traffic before the crossing signage is displayed. This stops the delay to traffic when it’s not needed by cancelling the push button demand, in real terms the system is keeping traffic moving more freely than with the old-style pelican crossing.  

“For the safety of pedestrians, road users and our crew, we have put in a small diversion route using like-for-like roads. This will be in place until the work is completed but will mean that this improvement will be put in as quickly as possible. 

“I would like to thank everyone effected for their patience and understanding whilst we get on with the job for this part of Holbeach.”  

For up-to-date information about this and other roadworks, please visit www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/roadworks.

Published: 29th January 2025