Lincolnshire Waste Partnership

The Lincolnshire Waste Partnership (LWP) aims to:

  • provide innovative, customer-friendly waste management
  • seek the best environmental options
  • give value for money to Lincolnshire residents

It includes us, the seven district and borough councils and the Environment Agency.

Around 350,000 tonnes of waste is dealt with by the LWP annually, most of which is household waste.

In 2022-23:

  • around 39 percent was recycled, reused or composted
  • around 58 percent was converted to energy, largely through our Energy from Waste facility
  • only 3 percent went to landfill

To coordinate our services, we use the Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy.

This strategy has been adopted by all eight councils in the partnership. It will be reviewed every five years. It was shaped by the following:

Our annual report for 2022-23 summarises our progress.