School year groups

Children usually join the year group they were born into.

In Lincolnshire, they start primary or infant school the September after their fourth birthday.

By law, all children must start school by the beginning of the term after their fifth birthday.

Find out about year groups and key stages in the national curriculum on

School places outside the normal year group

Parents or carers may seek a place outside their child's year group if they are:

  • gifted
  • have had health problems
  • are summer-born children attending school for the first time aged five

The school's admissions authority must look at the merits of each case, such as:

  • the child’s needs
  • the views of the parents and headteacher
  • the child’s academic, social and emotional development
  • the child’s medical history and the views of a medical professional
  • if the child has been out of their normal age group before
  • if a premature child would have fallen into a lower age group

Decisions will be made in the best interests of the child.

One school's decision is not binding on another. You may need to make a new request if your child moves school.